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Research Portfolio Growth Opportunity

Significant revenue opportunities are emerging as federal and state research funding agencies seek academic partners that have built internal research security and compliance programs to effectively manage risk related to fundamental and applied research projects. Research universities and colleges that have established effective risk management programs will likely have a competitive advantage in securing future research grants.

Do you know how your research security compliance compares with other research organizations? Can you scale your research security compliance functions to meet your research portfolio strategic growth plans?

We invite you to attend a webinar to learn how we can assess your current research security compliance program and provide insights and guidance to achieve your research portfolio goals.

Webinar Topics:

  • Overview of research opportunities - Classified, CUI, and Sponsored Research Growth Expectations
  • Review the current threats to research programs , including and update on Foreign Influence activities targeting research assets
  • Discuss common vulnerabilities that are exploited by those threats
  • Importance of implementing and maintaining effective research security compliance programs
  • Benefits of conducting internal risk assessments to determine the effectiveness of research security compliance efforts
  • Learn how to roadmap to meet "best-in-class" research security program standards based on benchmarked statistics

Academic Research Security and Compliance Programs are critical partners in protecting the research assets and other interests at the universities and colleges. Academic organizations focused on leveraging sustainable research portfolio growth strategy must rely on their Research Security Management and Compliance Programs to implement the necessary policies, procedures, and internal controls to reduce the likelihood and impact of research security incidents.

We are experts in designing, implementing, managing, and continuously-improving academic and corporate research security and compliance programs to ensure research organizations protect the value and integrity of their research portfolios. We assist our client research organizations maintain the effectiveness of their Research Security and Compliance Programs.

PROMOTIONAL CODE: Use "Risk2021" at registration to attend the webinar for free!



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  • Risk Assessment Webinar


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